Autin Dance Theatre is at an exciting point in the company’s history and its development as leading arts organisation. We are looking to elevate the company to a new stage in order to expand our team’s capacity, build on our growing national and international reputation, and retain and reach new audiences and participants across the UK and beyond. We need to ensure we have the right skills and expertise in our governance team to move the company forward into the future.
We are looking for one board member to help support the company’s development and steer us strategically into the future. We are looking for directors/trustees particularly with legal skills, and accounting expertise.
We are keen to hear from individuals from the global majority and under-represented communities to ensure we are reflecting a wide range of voices and experiences within our governance structures.
If you would like to receive a complete info pack or chat about the role then please contact us at hello@autindt.co.uk
Application Process
If you would like to be considered as a board member then please send the following to johnny@autindt.co.uk by January 30th 2023
Your CV
A cover letter, or short film / video setting out the following:
– Your interest in the role
– Areas of specialism that you could bring to the Board
– Examples of how you meet the requirements of the role.
Details of any business or other interests which might give rise to conflict of interest, and how you would address this should your application be successful.
Download the complete info pack here